Friday, February 15, 2013

Views from the Gateway Arch

The Gateway Arch is St. Louis' claim to fame. 630 feet tall (192m), stainless steel, opened in 1967, designed by Finnish architect, Eero Saarinen as shown below
the doors to the elevator that takes you to the top
this is the pod that you ride in. I rode up with 4 young people from Dubai. They were a little nervous since the elevator makes some noise. They shared their treats with me as we creaked to the top.
the Popular Street bridge
The Old courthouse and the Gateway mall. There is a car accident shown in the left hand bottom corner
view of the new Busch baseball Stadium. The last time I went up into the Arch was probably 30 years ago. I love the view!


  1. Thank you JeanMac, sorry I took so long to respond. I have moved from my house and things have been unsettled.
