Thursday, August 5, 2010

day 10 Strokestown park house

outside the house
i thought this little device was nifty. I could use one of them school room in Strokestown park house
several generations of childrens toys
balcony where the lady of the house would give the kitchen help directions
beauty shot
documents from the famine found in the house
in the walled in garden
storm clouds on the way back to Dublin
ha'penny bridge over the river Liffy
rainbow in Dublin


  1. Love that Ha'penny Bridge. Used to see it all the time when I was at college in Dublin...Never heard of Strokestown House though....willl have to google it! Are you going to my home town, Limerick, at all?

  2. You posted some great pics. Love that balcony.

  3. thank you both for reading my blog, Molly, Strokestown House was interesting, but kind of chilling that the landowners let people starve right outside their doors.

    JeanMac, if I lived at that time i would have been one of the ones taking the orders; my maiden name means "poor man" so the kitchen is where i would be!

  4. Molly, didn't go to Limerick this trip went thru the town first trip to Ireland and our driver Emmon was a resident there
