Monday, March 15, 2010

Keep good thoughts

little d is in the hospital tonight, having test. he has had 2 seizures in the past 35 days and there is no rhyme or reason for them. he's waiting for the electrodes to be put on his head. He had a CAT scan and a MRI earlier in the day
here he is all hooked up with a cheesy smile
his turban, d probably has 25-30 wires on his scalp, the wrap is to keep the wires in place as well as make him a little more mobil
mom and dad told him the wires and the bracelet (safety alarm) are for his spiderman/batman super powers. just received a call the CAT and MRI are normal. YAAAAAA. You don't want any of the test to find anything, but at the same time if the test do show something, then you can act accordingly. if nothing shows up on the EEG, he will have to take medicine for the next 6 months, keeping my fingers crossed


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm epileptic, so I remember those tests - scary stuff! He looks pretty brave through it...

    Thinking of him, and of you...

  2. thank you for the good thoughts.We will know more in a few more days, doctor has decided to put d on medicine for 2 years unless something else is found. D is a cool little kid and i love him alot

  3. What a sweetie! Hope everything turns out Ok.

  4. Declan's test have come back. He has some abnormal brain activity and will have to be on medicine for a few years. The side effects of the medicine is that his skin itches and he has scratches all over him; medicine seems to be the only thing different, so that has been changed,side effects of the new medicine is sleepiness and increades appetite ( he could use a litte more meat on his bones)
    please say a prayer, thank all of you
