Saturday, January 31, 2009


the library is one of my favorite places. i remember learning to read in 1st grade and shortly after that would walk to the library (about 2 miles) every saturday the weather was nice to get books. i couldn't understand why i could ONLY get 10 books a week when i finished them by the following saturday. i would sit in my room on the floor by the window and read for hours. i always had a book with me and to this day have several started at home, at work (to read during lunch) and in the car to read while waiting for friends. i've decided to keep track of the books i read for 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love the library too. They've just let us take 30 books home a month now (I think? it sounds like too many, doesn't it :) )... instead of just 12.

    Don't know about your library, but the people at ours, just get louder and louder these days. Still, I couldn't get by with it.

    Thank you for adding me to your blog list, it was such a lovely surprise!

    Take care.
