Saturday, January 31, 2009


the library is one of my favorite places. i remember learning to read in 1st grade and shortly after that would walk to the library (about 2 miles) every saturday the weather was nice to get books. i couldn't understand why i could ONLY get 10 books a week when i finished them by the following saturday. i would sit in my room on the floor by the window and read for hours. i always had a book with me and to this day have several started at home, at work (to read during lunch) and in the car to read while waiting for friends. i've decided to keep track of the books i read for 2009.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


i know to those in the north and east, this can hardly be called a big snow, but for st louis this amount of snow, slows the city to a crawl. news on local tv station commented on the run at the grocery stores before the storm by people buying, milk, bread,eggs, toilet paper and beer. there is a running joke that we must make alot of french toast during snow storms

Monday, January 26, 2009

this is a view from the Climatron at the Missouri Botanical Garden, a great place to take photos. I like to shoot doorways and windows, hoping to draw the viewer into the space. The Climatron would be a wonderful place to be tomorrow since we are due to get several inches of snow. The Climatron is a glass dome, I believe that it is a geodesic dome, the temperature is tropical and it has its own climate. Since I love hot humid weather this would be the perfect place for me on a cold winter day

Sunday, January 25, 2009

another birthday boy

the big 15th, he is going to get learners drivers license tomorrow!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

another old barn and silo by the house took this last week before the weather turned so cold. there is still farm land around the area and i'm a fan of old barns, silos and home steads.have driven past this fence post for a few years, it intrigued me but i never had my camera with me (and i always have it with me) so i made it a mission to get a picture of it
weather was good today, actually had some sun! and the temps was about 45, felt like the tropics after the 0 and belows temps we've had the past week

Thursday, January 15, 2009

my favorite girl

grand daughter Brit with her laptop, only grand daughter until her cousin is born in April. Brit is really active in school, sports, and being a teenager

my 2 favorite guys

my grandson at Christmas, Declan and Brendan with a laptop. Brendan was about 2 years old when i started him playing with a computer and Declan seems to be just as interested!